Enclosed you will find the latest entries in our Worldwide cover and postal history price list. Prices are in Swedish kroner and we convert foreign currencies at following rates:
1 Kr equal US$ .1581 Norw Kr .852 Dan Kr .796 EURO .1066 Can$ .1564 and £ Sterling .0791
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CHECK FEE HAS BEEN INCREASED TO US$10. but bank notes are still accepted without charge.
On shipments outside the European Community 6.5% Export Discount. We donot accept credit or charge cards but payment can be sent by PayPal at a fee of 3% (min $1) We have als Postal Giro a/c in Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Hamburg and Luxembourg. You can also send US$ banknotes(no bank fee) or checks($ 10 bank fee). Donot send any money before receiving our invoice. Postage and handeling cost are circa US$2.50 + $0.30/lot
Colour images of can be viewed of most lots. You can also ask for images of back-sides etc via e-mail.
Sören Andersson & Co Box 19113, 10432 Stockholm, Fax +46-8-153591, Tel +46-8-156412 and mail sa@sastamps.se
Sören Andersson is past secretary of Swedish Stamp Dealers Association, Swedish Postal History Society and Stockholms Filatelist-Sällskap
Utlandet/Non Scandinavian countries
Photo (New 20071108) 9.5326 NORDDEUTSCHER POSTBEZIRK 2x10, 5 und 1 Gr auf Paket-
begleitbrief nach Schweden, Dresden 20.11.70. Transit-
stempeln Kjöbenhavn OPE 23.11.1870 und Kastenstempel
Malmö Paketpost 25.11.1870. 5800 Kr